BTU to Kilowatt (kW) Conversion Calculator

Convert between British Thermal Units (BTU) and kilowatts with ease. Use this tool to quickly transform energy measurements for various applications.

Understanding BTU and Kilowatt Conversions

What is a BTU?

BTU (British Thermal Unit) is a traditional unit of heat energy. One BTU is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

What is a Kilowatt?

A kilowatt (kW) is a metric unit of power equal to 1,000 watts. It's commonly used to measure electrical power and energy consumption.

Conversion Formula

The conversion between BTU and kilowatts depends on the time frame and context:

  • 1 BTU per hour ≈ 0.293071 watts
  • 1 kilowatt = 3,412.142 BTU per hour

Common Conversion Scenarios

Application BTU Equivalent kW
Small Space Heater 5,000 BTU/h 1.46 kW
Residential Air Conditioner 12,000 BTU/h 3.52 kW
Commercial HVAC 60,000 BTU/h 17.58 kW
Industrial Heating 100,000 BTU/h 29.30 kW

Frequently Asked Questions

Why convert between BTU and kW?

Conversions are useful in various fields including HVAC, energy management, electrical engineering, and international equipment specifications where different units are used.

Are BTU and kW direct equivalents?

No, they measure different aspects of energy. BTU measures heat energy, while kW measures power. The conversion depends on the time frame and specific context of use.

How accurate is this conversion?

Our converter provides precise calculations using standard conversion factors. For critical applications, always verify with specific equipment specifications.